DOB Dec 3 (Pixie)
Male - Black

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Leeroy! or Leroy if you prefer ... but he's Leroy Jenkins (if you get the joke, you get the joke if you DON'T get the joke ... google Leroy Jenkins and watch the vid)

Leeroy is a lil bitty sweetheart who is always the first one to go rushing in/up/out ... he is an absolute lil doll of a dog and if there's a pup at my feet it's usually - Leeroy.

He's the runt male of his litter and a much smaller dog than either of his male counterparts, indeed 2 out of 3 of his sisters were bigger than him too. He is a small end of the large dog scale fellow, but he's full of life, and lots of love to share. He is eager to please, and a very well behaved young man.

Leroy is one of Pixie's pups, who were delivered in her emergency c-section. Every day he is super jazzed to be alive and here and is very happy to share, and show it.

Leroy is the little dog out for the big love, the best treats, and the prime position beside the human. He is small, but he is mighty, and he is not ... chicken. (IYKYK)

Leroy is available for consideration and he's really hoping he gets a spot with lots and lots and LOTS of adventure time. He's keen to show off, and primed for sharing your car rides out to the lake, the cottage, the bush party, and if you please - the boat.

Give this lil sweetie a chance and he's sure to steal your heart.

He looks like a small german shep - we have no clue who his dad might be, but if you'd like to do a dna test, you're more than welcome to do. He is smart like a GSD, he's wanting to people please like a GSD, he will likely have a very GSD demeanor and personality. But he will by no means be vying for the biggest dog on the block position. This lil guy is a lover, and he's eager to share his love - with you.

If you think Leroy might be your dog, we invite you to contact us and arrange your sniff test and meeting with him.

Your likes, shares, and comments help his reach get even further and we're ever so grateful for that help and assistance in finding him his humans. We'll be sad to see Leeroy go - but we are absolutely certain this lil dude will be a much beloved addition to someone's family, and adventure minded pack.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and if you've found us, please share us with your friends. We do not advertise, or promote - We rely on your finding us promotion worthy, and word of mouth to extend our reach so if you can assist us with that, that's be freakin' fab!

Thank you for your assistance and support. Let's see if we can find these guys their humans.

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