Golden girly - Long coat - 5 years old - Spayed
Pixie is a mature lady dog, who has had more than one situation fall apart on her. We know she was somehow in the care of the Toronto SPCA, who failed to alter her before rehoming her. From her cushy Toronto life she ended up in a WAY northern reserve (think a better than 6 hour drive north of Fort), where she went from beloved pet to pack dog - A Fort Frances human who works up there saw her roaming in the free running pack dogs and noted she was both heavily pregnant, and being starved out by the other dogs, and so they secured Miss Pix and brought her into town for the big birthing event.
Couple of short days later Pixie goes into labor and delivers Born on her own, but then stops the delivery process on the rest of the pups, as her uterus was terribly distended and unable to contract. We got her in for an emergency C-Section and she and her puppies are here to tell the tale.
Pixie is a wonderful dog, and fully housepet ready. We do not feel it is fair to Pixie to return her to the rez from which she was pulled, as she has always been an outsider to that pack, and as such she was the dog the other dogs picked on. Also as she would have no one to care for her, or to share her care with, we're hoping we can work as a community to change that for her.
Pixie is fabulous in the house and is amazing with the "no messes." She has no interest in chewing on the furniture, or yanking the things by the cords. She is not overly vocal but will be happy to let you know when there's anyone around the house, or she needs to go out.
We do however recognize that Pixie quite definitely has territorial, boundary, and sharing issues, due to her many years of fighting for survival. She's a great dog, and will fit well into an all adult home, without other pets. She tries her best not to go after her competition, but at the moment she really should be kept away from that which she may view as "competition to her position as top underling" or a threat to her much beloved human. She is protective of and territorial.
Pixie is also prone to trying to hide her food dish due to her time as a pack dog, but that is easily resolvable with a raised dish set up. Other than that and the fact she could use some leash work (of course), she's awesome.
Pixie has been spayed and will have all of her shots done.
She is already microchipped and that will be able to be updated when her file and information is transferred to her new humans.
Pixie loves attention - like - LOVES attention, and we're sure if you'd be inclined to teach her the tricks, that she'd be stoked to learn them and show off for you. She comes to you fully grown, pre housebroken, already appreciative for a soft warm bed, non-destructive, not particularly "mouthy" - Beautiful bit of gold to add to your home.
If you think Pixie might be your dog we'd be happy to arrange a sniff test and see if she agrees.
Send us a note and arrange for your sniff test. If Pixie thinks you smell like home we'll get to working on sorting paperwork, and home trial and hooking that up.
Likes, shares, comments are all most appreciated and help these wonderful fur kids be seen by your friends, and as we rely on word of mouth around these parts, we much appreciate your assistance sharing the word, the dogs, and - the love.
Looking forward to meeting the wonderful people Pixie decides are her humans.